As a geologist who has always carried a camera when travelling or working in some very remote locations, I have an extensive collection of transparencies, negatives and more recently digital images that I now have time to draw on to provide quality photographs that you might enjoy. 

Having spent some time as a custom black and white printer in Vancouver and Auckland, I am drawn to the magic of visualizing in monochrome and this will form a large part of the collection.  

When travelling there is not always time to go back and seek out better photo opportunities and so they often become more documentary in style, but always striving for timeless moments of landscape to reflect on in different ways and times.

The Elsa Collection provides a glimpse of the remains of the United Keno Hill Mines silver mining operations at Keno Hill taken whilst working there between 2006 and 2019.  Exploration of the wider area provided opportunities to view much more, as shown in the new "Keno City", "Dawson City" and "Beyond Keno Hill" collections under NORTH AMERICA / YUKON.

Contact me with any enquiries and keep watching out for the addition of new images. 

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Images may be ordered in digital form for stock use or as display prints, but - online purchasing systems are not yet in place in this initial web design. 

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